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Books from the AMS * Free Online Books * Free Online Resources * Articles in Notices of the AMS

Books from the AMS
The AMS Bookstore offers an extensive collection of books on the history of mathematics. Go to the links below to browse specific titles.
History of Mathematics Series
The titles in this series offer compelling historical perspectives on the individuals and communities that have profoundly influenced mathematics' development.
Collected Works Series
This series presents the substantial body of work of many outstanding mathematicians. Readers can follow the major ideas and themes that developed over the course of a given mathematician's career.
AMS Chelsea Publishing Series
Mathematicians continue to mine and utilize insights and results from classic mathematical literature. The mission of this series is to make some of the most important classics available to new generations of mathematicians.
Non-Series Books
The American Mathematical Society publishes and distributes many titles that do not fit into a specific series. Discover our diverse offering of books, including many titles on the history of mathematics, including biographies, and historical perspectives.
Free Online AMS Books
AMS History of Mathematics, Volume 1: A Century of Mathematics in America, Part I, Edited by Peter Duren, with the assistance of Richard A. Askey and Uta C. Merzbach
The first 100 years of the AMS: profiles of mathematicians, the mathematical community during the world wars, the growth of mathematical fields...
AMS History of Mathematics, Volume 2: A Century of Mathematics in America, Part II, edited by Peter Duren, with the assistance of Richard A. Askey and Uta C. Merzbach
The histories of mathematical activity at the major U.S. institutions; the influence of women in mathematics; the flowering of applied mathematics...
AMS History of Mathematics, Volume 3: A Century of Mathematics in America, Part III , edited by Peter Duren, with the assistance of Richard A. Askey and Uta C. Merzbach
The mathematics and mathematical personalities in some of the nation's prominent departments.
A Semicentennial History of the American Mathematical Society, 1888-1938 Volume 1, by Raymond Clare Archibald
The first fifty years of the AMS: the founding, Bulletin of the AMS, meetings, officers...
Semicentennial Addresses of the American Mathematical Society, Volume II
The second semicenntennial volume: developments and trends in fields including differential equations, harmonic analysis, geometry, topology...
Mathematics into the Twenty-First Century, Felix E. Browder, Editor
The proceedings of the AMS centennial symposium.
History of the Second Fifty Years, American Mathematical Society, 1939-1988, by Everett Pitcher
The second fifty years of the AMS: Mathematical Reviews®, primary journals, membership and dues, international meetings, policy committees, finances...
Free Online Resources
AMS Presidents: A TimelineBrowse through the timeline to learn about AMS presidents since the Society's founding in 1888. Each page includes the president's institution and date of doctoral degree, a brief note about his/her academic career and honors, as well as links to more extensive biographical information and descriptions of mathematical work.
This Mathematical Month: A Brief Look at Past Events and Episodes in the Mathematical CommunityMonthly postings of vignettes on people, publications, and mathematics to inform and entertain.
Feature Column: Monthly Essays on Mathematical Topics. See columns by David Austin, Bill Casselman, Joe Malkevitch and Tony Phillips on history of mathematics and historical figures.
Articles in Notices of the AMS
Obituaries * Biographies and Interviews * General History
The articles are listed below in reverse chronologcal order by publication date.


"Andrew Fielding Huxley (1917-2012)", Michael C. Mackey and Moisés Santillán, Coordinating Editors, May 2013

"Remembering Raoul Bott (1923--2005)", Loring W. Tu, Coordinating Editor, April 2013

"Remembering Walter Rudin (1921--2010)", Alexander Nagel and Edgar Lee Stout, Coordinating Editors, March 2013

"Daniel Quillen," Eric Friedlander and Daniel Grayson, Coordinating Editors, November 2012
"One in a Million---Remembrances of Laurie Snell (1925--2011)," by Dan Rockmore, October 2012

"Glimpses of Benoît Mandelbrot (1924--2010)," by Michael F. Barnsley and Michael Frame, Editors, September 2012

"Remembering Jerry Marsden (1942-2010)," by Tudor Ratiu and Alan Weinstein, Coordinating Editors, June/July 2012

"Remembering Herbert Federer (1920--2010)," Harold Parks, Coordinating Editor, May 2012

"Memories of Vladimir Arnold," Boris Khesin and Serge Tabachnikov, Coordinating Editors, Part 1: March 2012 and Part 2: April 2012

"Peter Hilton: Codebreaker and Mathematician (1923-2010)," Jean Pedersen, Coordinating Editor, December 2011
"Remembering Constance Reid (1918-2010)," by Jerry Alexanderson. November 2011
"S.-S. Chern (1911-2004)," S.-T. Yau, Coordinating Editor. October 2011
"Gerhard Hochschild (1915-2010)," Walter Ferrer Santos and Martin Moskowitz, Coordinating Editors. September 2011
"A Tribute to David Blackwell," George Roussas, Coordinating Editor. August 2011
"Remembering Johannes J. Duistermaat (1942--2010)," Victor Guillemin, Álvaro Pelayo, San Vu Ngoc, Alan Weinstein, Coordinating Authors. June/July 2011
"Remembering Leon Ehrenpreis (1930-2010)," by Daniele C. Struppa, Hershel Farkas, Takahiro Kawai, Peter Kuchment, Eric Todd Quinto, Shlomo Sternberg, Alan Taylor. May 2011
"Remembering Paul Malliavin," by Daniel W. Stroock, Marc Yor, Jean-Pierre Kahane, Richard Gundy, Leonard Gross, Michèle Vergne. April 2011
"A Tribute to Henry Helson," Donald Sarason, Contributing Editor. February 2011
"Every Waking Moment: Ky Fan (1914-2010)," by Bor-Luh Lin. December 2010
"Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro, In Memoriam," Jim Cogdell, Steve Gelbart, and Peter Sarnak, Coordinating Editors. November 2010
"Alice Turner Schafer (1915-2009): Remembrances," edited by Anne Leggett (with contributions by Georgia Benkart, Bhama Srinivasan, Mary Gray, Ellen Maycock, and Linda Rothschild). October 2010
"A Tribute to Henri Cartan," Luc Illusie and Pierre Cartier, Coordinating Editors September 2010
"Remembering Paul Cohen (1934-2007)," Peter Sarnak, Coordinating Editor. August 2010
"Remembering John Stallings," Danny Calegari and Benson Farb, Coordinating Editors. December 2009
"Andrew Gleason (1921-2008)," Ethan D. Bolker, Coordinating Editor. November 2009
"Remembering Atle Selberg, 1917-2007," Dennis Hejhal, Coordinating Editor. June/July 2009
"Homage to Henri Cartan (1904-2008)," by Michèle Audin. May 2009
"Tribute to André Lichnerowicz," by Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach. February 2009
"William J. LeVeque, 1923-2007," by James Maxwell. November 2008
"Michel Kervaire (1927-2007)," by Shalom Eliahou, Pierre de la Harpe, Jean-Claude Hausmann, and Claude Weber. September 2008
"James Eells" (1926--2007)," by Domingo Toledo. June/July 2008
"Victor Klee (1925-2007)," by Peter Gritzmann and Bernd Sturmfels. April 2008
"Irving Kaplansky (1917-2006)," by Hyman Bass and Tsit-Yuen Lam. December 2007
"Emma Lehmer (1906-2007)," by John Brillhart. December 2007
"Remembering Philip Rabinowitz," by Philip Davis and Aviezri Fraenkel. December 2007
"A. Everett Pitcher (1912-2006)," by Steve Weintraub. November 2007
"George Mackey (1916-2006)," by Robert Doran and Arlan Ramsay. August 2007
"The Mathematical Contributions of Serge Lang," by Jay Jorgenson and Steven Krantz. April 2007
"George B. Dantzig (1914-2005)," by Richard Cottle, Ellis Johnson, and Roger Wets. March 2007

Biographies and Interviews

"Interview with John Horton Conway", by Dierk Schleicher. May 2013

"A Walk through Johnny von Neumann's Garden," Freeman Dyson, February 2013

"Israel Moiseevich Gelfand", Vladimir Retakh, Coordinating Editor, Part I: January 2013, and Part II: February 2013

Srinivasa Ramanujan: Going Strong at 125 Krishnaswami Alladi, Editor, Part I: December 2012 and Part II: January 2013.

"A Fresh Look at Francesco Severi," by Judith Goodstein and Donald Babbitt, September 2012
"Winifred Edgerton Merrill: 'She Opened the Door'," by Susan E. Kelly and Sarah A. Rozner, April 2012
"Interview with Abel Laureate John Tate," by Martin Raussen and Christian Skau. March 2011
"Reminiscences of Grothendieck and his School," by Luc Illusie et al. October 2010
"Interview with Mikhail Gromov," by Martin Raussen and Christian Skau. March 2010
"Encounters with Mischa Cotlar," by John Horváth. May 2009
"Hans Grauert: Mathematiker Pur," by Alan Huckleberry. January 2009
"Who is Alexander Grothendieck?," by Winfried Scharlau. September 2008
"Memories of Shourik," [reminiscences about Alexander Grothendieck], by Valentin Poénaru. September 2008
"Interview with Martin Davis," by Allyn Jackson. May 2008
"Interview with George Csicsery," by Bill Casselman. May 2008
"Interview with Srinivasa Varadhan," by Martin Raussen and Christian Skau. February 2008
"Interview with Stephen Smale," by George Szpiro. September 2007
"Alfred Tarski, Friend and Daemon," by Benjamin Wells. September 2007
"Interviews with Three Fields Medalists," (2006 recipients Andrei Okounkov,Terence Tao,and Wendelin Werner) by Vicente Muñoz and Ulf Persson. March 2007
"Interview with Mikio Sato," by Emmanuel Andronikof. February 2007
"Mikio Sato, a visionary of mathematics," by Pierre Schapira. February 2007
"Interview with Lennart Carleson," by Martin Raussen and Christian Skau. February 2007
"Interview with Joan Birman," by Allyn Jackson and Lisa Traynor. January 2007

General History

"Mathematical Methods in the Study of Historical Chronology," by Florin Diacu. April 2013

"The Influence of Benoît B. Mandelbrot on Mathematics," by Michael F. Barnsley and Michael Frame, Editors, October 2012

"Galois for 21st-Century Readers," by Harold M. Edwards, August 2012
"Differential Topology 46 Years Later," by John Milnor. June/July 2011
"A brief but historic article of Siegel," by Rodrigo A. Pérez. April 2011
"Federigo Enriques's Quest to Prove the "Completeness Theorem"," by Donald Babbitt and Judith Goodstein. February 2011
"Real Face of János Bolyai," by Tamas Denes. January 2011
"Guido Castelnuovo and Francesco Severi: Two Personalities, Two Letters," by Donald Babbitt and Judith Goodstein. August 2009
"Connected Sets and the AMS, 1901-1921," by David Zitarelli. April 2009
"The Last Poem of James Clerk Maxwell," by Daniel S. Silver. November 2008
"Henri's Crystal Ball," by Philip Davis and David Mumford [on the 100th anniversary of a lecture by Henri Poincaré]. April 2008
"Differential Geometry, Strasbourg, 1953," by Michele Audin. March 2008
"Descartes, the Pioneer of the Scientific Revolution," a review by Michel Serfati of Descartes: A Biography, by Desmond Clarke. January 2008
"The Felix Klein Protocols," by Eugene Chislenko and Yuri Tschinkel. September 2007
"Memories of Prague," by Lipman Bers [with pictures]. August 2007
"Two Problems that Shaped a Century of Lattice Theory," by George Grätzer. June/July 2007
Browse Notices of the AMS online back to 1995.
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